Rules & Guidelines

Where is it located?

For the 2024 season, the market will be behind the Thyen-Clark Cultural Center off 4th street.

When does it start?

Memorial weekend, May 24, 2025 – October 4,2025. Every Saturday from 8AM – 12PM including Strassenfest.

What is the cost?

Fees changed the first time in 2024. Weekly space rental for guests is $10/Saturday. If you are interested in becoming a member the cost is $150/season and includes rent for one assigned space (while available). Later in the season we will offer an early bird special for members to pre-pay next season’s membership for $100. For members who decline the special, membership will cost $150 the following season. Spaces are approximately 10’ X 10’. Electricity is not available. Vendors must provide own tables, chairs, etc.

Should I Become a Member?

Membership is not required to be a vendor. Vendors who only wish to participate occasionally are still welcome as guests. With a full market, being able to predict participation is key to efficiency. As such, we ask members to provide notice of scheduled absences. After three consecutive absences without notice, we begin offering your space to guests. Members should not miss more than five Saturdays (weather permitting). Finally, membership is limited to qualifying persons. Not all vendors qualify to become members. Chronically absent members may not qualify the next season.

Can children participate?

Beginning in 2024, youth market is every Saturday. This means children 12 and under can participate as guests, free of charge. The stipulation being the child must have participated in the making of all items being sold and must be the one running the booth. All market rules apply. Finally, a parent or guardian must be in attendance.

Can I have an information/promotion only booth?

Info booths that are commercial or political in nature are prohibited. Booths regarding public services (e.g. soil & water) and community festivals are allowed. Booths offering on-site services such as massages or health check-ups are allowed. Essentially, all booths must have something to sell, with those few exceptions.

Can I leave early?

We encourage all vendors to stay until closing time at noon. However, we understand that busy schedules may require your presence elsewhere. When that happens, we ask vendors to participate for as long as possible.

Where do I park?

For a visual of parking, reference the map in the vendor packet.

When do I setup?

Set up officially starts at 7AM. Vendors are responsible for set up, clean up, and close up. They must provide their own tables, chairs, tents, signage, etc. In the event you do not know where to set up, locate one of the directors for help. Members arriving after 7:15 am may find their space already occupied.

Finally, ALL CANOPIES ARE REQUIRED TO BE WEIGHED DOWN. You can tie water jugs or buy weights designed for canopies, but with the market being in a parking lot it is imperative that canopies not fly away with a gust of wind.

What should my food labels look like?

If you are a home-based food vendor, your labels must include your name, address, and phone number. It must also include ingredients, date prepared, and the note, “This product is home produced and processed, and the production area has not been inspected by the state.”

If you are not a home-based food vendor, follow the labeling requirements as outlined by state and federal law

Market Bucks

Market bucks were created in 2017 with a grant from the Dubois County Community Foundation in an effort to fight food insecurity by introducing Fresh Bucks for certain food purchases for Dubois County residents that participate in WIC. Gift bucks are also available and can be used towards any purchase with vendors willing to accept them as payment.

Does anyone participate in the Farmers Market Nutrition Program?

The FMNC is a WIC program that also helps reduce food insecurity as well as encourage better food choices. Vendors accepting those vouchers change every year.

Regarding the Cultural Center

The Cultural Center has asked that we communicate a few things to participants and friends.

  • Handicapped parking spots nearest the Cultural Center as well as the schoolhouse cannot be blocked.
  • Do not block the driving lane for library drop off.
  • Children 8 years old and under are required to have parental supervision in the Cultural Center.
  • The Cultural Center does not operate with a full staff on weekends. Please keep that in mind before allowing any children to visit without a parent.

Any other rules?

Be a good neighbor: no loud music or noise, no unruly behavior. 

THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATING!  The market master will be there to answer questions.